Oh surprise! Another post on one of my favorite topics…weddings in Spain. 😉 If you’re a guiri (foreigner) like me, attending your first Spanish wedding can be a little stressful; there are some rules you might not be aware of and you probably aren’t sure what guests are supposed to wear. But not to fear! I’ve compiled the latest wedding guest looks for you below.
Before we get to the photos, let’s cover some of the basics of Spanish wedding guest fashion. Keep in mind all the weddings I’ve attended are in Andalusia and Aragon, and I’ve heard weddings tend to be a bit more formal in the south.
Learn more about Spanish wedding rules in the video above.
Fashion rules for Spanish wedding guests
- Tocados (fascinators) can be worn to day or night weddings while pamelas (broad-brimmed sun hat) are for day weddings only.
- Short dresses / skirts are worn to day weddings. You’ll know it’s a day wedding if lunch is served at the reception or the marriage ceremony is before 2pm.
- Long dresses / skirts / pants are worn to night weddings. You’ll know it’s a night wedding if dinner is served at the reception or the marriage ceremony is after 5pm.
- Never wear white.
- Always wear heels (and bring flats in your purse)—like these.
- Monos can be worn to day or night weddings.
- Never wear the same outfit to more than one wedding.
- Men can wear morning suits to day weddings (generally men in the family and wedding party wear this type of suit), otherwise a matching jacket and slacks with a tie will work. I have never seen a man wear a tuxedo to a wedding in Spain, day or night.
- I go into extensive detail about each rule in this post if you want to learn more.
What to wear to a spring/summer wedding in Spain
As the weather heats up ladies start to incorporate more florals prints and bright colors. Look out for light and flowy materials like chiffon, tulle, and silk. If you’re looking for tips on what to wear to a fall/winter wedding check out this post.
Insider tip: buying a new outfit for each wedding gets expensive. A lot of Spanish women rent their entire look from companies like La Mas Mona & Rental Mode. You can rent the main elements of your outfit (dress, mono, pants, skirt, top, etc.) as well as accessories (belt, purse, jewelry) for around €60. Tocado or pamela rentals cost extra. You can also purchase outfits second-hand for a fraction of the price from apps like Vinted; I’ve sold outfits worn to weddings and purchased flamenco dresses for feria too. Since they’ve only been worn once they’re basically new! 😉
Photo sources: cherubina.com, rentalmode.com, lamasmona.com, luciasecasa.com, miaventuraconlamoda.com, invitadaperfecta.es
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